The Committee to Recall Jamelle McKenzie

What is happening with the recall?

On July 31st, 2024, two days after it was submitted, the Deputy City Clerk of College Park ​accepted our application for recall of Councilwoman Jamelle McKenzie. We collected ​233 signatures, more than doubling the required amount, in just one week.

The next day, on August 1st, Councilwoman Jamelle McKenzie challenged the recall in ​court, putting a temporary hold on our next step, which is to collect signatures on the ​actual petition. Her lawsuit was filed against Mose James, chair of the Committee to ​Recall Jamelle McKenzie, as well as Deputy City Clerk Queenie Brown. The ​councilwoman’s suit claims that Ms. Brown favors the recall because she turned around ​the signature verification so quickly, when in reality Ms. Brown only had five days, by law, to ​verify signatures.

On September 18, the Committee to Recall Jamelle McKenzie filed our response, which ​was immediately accepted. In it, we refute every claim made by Councilwoman ​McKenzie, with evidence. The judge set our hearing for October 30, 2024.



Paid for by The Committee to Recall Jamelle McKenzie

The Committee to Recall Jamelle McKenzie

Recallable ​Offenses ​Reasons and ​Facts

Since January, Ward 1 Councilwoman Jamelle McKenzie ​has repeatedly engaged in a pattern of lies and manipulative ​behavior, which is grounds for removal and constitutes a ​violation of her oath of office. The collective impact of her ​actions is disturbing. They cast suspicion and doubt over ​everything she says, eroding the fundamental basis of her ​role as a public servant.


Employee Interference ​Without Authority

  • Councilwoman McKenzie's community Facebook page ​announced the firing of a city employee before the city ​officially notified the employee of her termination.
  • This was beyond the scope of her authority as a council ​member and a violation of the employee’s rights under ​the City’s Human Resources Manual.
  • Only the Interim City Manager has the authority to ​manage employees directly.

FACT: This is unconscionable. Not only did she not have the ​authority to do this, but she also violated this individual's ​privacy with complete disregard.

Employee Harassment ​and a Toxic Work ​Environment

  • Councilwoman McKenzie has repeatedly harassed city employees and ​allowed others to mistreat city employees without intervention, contributing ​to a toxic work environment and the loss of 17 high-level city employees and ​contractors.
  • Employees who disagree with her improper directions, often because they ​violate city policies and procedures, are accused of insubordination and ​retaliation.
  • Evidence is displayed in numerous emails, oral communications relayed by ​current and former employees, and even in her treatment of employees ​during council meetings.
  • She also failed to exercise proper oversight as the Interim City Manager ​mismanaged employees, resulting in an unprecedented loss of core city ​functions and leaving the city with insufficient staff to manage daily ​operations

FACT: The Council has no authority to direct employees. The Council’s only ​employee is the City Manager. All requests to city employees must go through ​the City Manager. It is unheard of for this many department heads and key ​employees to leave or be fired for insubordination when they disagree with the ​council in a city the size of College Park. The loss of these employees and ​department heads has left the city without key employees in accounting, finance, ​purchasing, building inspections, economic development, airport affairs, and the ​city clerk, just to name a few.

Blocking and Intimidation ​of Constituents

  • Councilwoman McKenzie has intimidated and attempted to silence ​citizens who disagree with her.
  • She has blocked numerous citizens on her social media accounts, ​which she uses to make official public comments on city business, and ​even from her official city email address, preventing them from being ​able to otherwise engage with the councilwoman who swore an oath ​to represent all constituents.
  • Additionally, she has threatened constituents with legal action when ​they have done nothing other than to express their disagreement with ​her and harassed those who speak against her.

FACT: Councilwoman McKenzie continually says she can be reached in a ​number of ways. Yet, more than a handful of residents remain actually ​blocked to this day, most because they voiced their disagreement with ​certain decisions or asked for an explanation. She claims to have 24-hour ​police protection. However, the city has no record of this, and her ​complaints to the police about constituents have not resulted in any ​citations or findings of inappropriate behavior. She has even threatened ​multiple constituents with legal action for unproven claims of harassment,

Lying about the Battery ​Facility and Bill Evans ​Field/Badgett Practice Field

  • Councilwoman Jamelle McKenzie’s repeated dishonesty and deception ​during several city council meetings violates the public trust.
  • She was deceptive by not revealing the truth about the origin of a NextEra ​document for a controversial battery storage facility, which metadata shows ​that the emailed document was originally sent to the Councilwoman.
  • During the mayor's questioning of the interim city manager, she failed to ​acknowledge her role in an unpopular and illegal motion for rezoning.
  • Councilwoman McKenzie again misled constituents in June when she ​claimed she did not know about a proposal from Morehouse College to save ​Bill Evans field. Official emails revealed that she knew about the Morehouse ​proposal as far back as February and was an active participant in trying to ​prevent the proposal from being presented to the City Council for ​consideration.

FACT: Developers for both projects have donated to the Councilwoman’s ​campaign. She has repeatedly refused to take any responsibility for these ​decisions, although, in the case of the Battery Facility, she was even against it as a ​private citizen. She has omitted the fact that the sale of Bill Evans Field includes ​the “practice field” of Badgett Stadium, taking away the popular recreation space ​located just behind the track.

Taking Part In BIDA ​Executive Session as a ​Private Citizen

  • Councilwoman McKenzie took part in closed executive sessions ​of The Building and Industrial Development Authority (BIDA) ​without the necessary authority.
  • These closed meetings were not joint sessions with the Council, ​and other private citizens were excluded.
  • She had no right to be present as a private citizen, and no ​authority to participate as a member of the Council.

FACT: CW McKenzie continually states in public meetings and ​private conversations that BIDA sells property, including Bill Evans ​Field, and that she has no role in what they do with public property or ​power over their decisions. This is another lie, as each Council ​Member appoints a BIDA representative. By statute and through by-​laws, BIDA’s role is limited to implementing policies set by the ​Council. They can not dispose of city property without the express ​approval of the Council.

More Info


We successfully collected more ​than double the required signatures ​for the recall application and had ​those verified. Councilwoman ​McKenzie has challenged our ​efforts in court and we are paused ​until the judge decides next steps. ​Our hearing is set for October 30.

Learn About the ​Recall Process

Click below to learn about the ​difficult process that any Georgia ​voter can go through to recall an ​elected official

Get Involved

Want to know how you can get ​involved in recall efforts? Click ​below to sign up for updates.

The Committee to Recall ​Jamelle McKenzie

Join us to demand ​accountability for the ​citizens of College Park ​Ward 1. Together we can ​build the community we ​deserve

Paid for by The Committee to Recall Jamelle McKenzie